California Propostions 2020 Guide

California’s November election will feature 12 statewide ballot measures. The following are explanation videos produced by CalMatters and links to full descriptions and information on each of the propositions.

In California13 statewide ballot propositions are on the ballot for elections in 2020.

  • Twelve (12) ballot measures were certified to appear on the ballot for the election on November 3, 2020.
  • One ballot measure, Proposition 13, was on the ballot for March 3, 2020, and was defeated.


  • Uber, Lyft, and Doordash are sponsoring a ballot initiative that would define app-based drivers as independent contractors and not employees, as well as enact several labor and wage policies.
  • ballot initiative to amend Proposition 13 (1978) will be on the ballot. The proposal would tax commercial and industrial properties based on market value, rather than their purchase price plus the lesser of inflation or 2 percent.

California Proposition 14, stem cell research

Issues $5.5 billion in bonds for state stem cell research institute

"yes" vote supports issuing $5.5 billion general obligation bonds for the state's stem cell research institute and making changes to the institute's governance structure and programs.

"no" vote opposes issuing $5.5 billion general obligation bonds for the state's stem cell research institute, which ran out funds derived from Proposition 71 (2004) for new projects in 2019.


California Proposition 15, split roll

Requires commercial and industrial properties to be taxed based on market value and dedicates revenue

A "yes" vote supports this constitutional amendment to require commercial and industrial properties, except those zoned as commercial agriculture, to be taxed based on their market value, rather than their purchase price.

A "no" vote opposes this constitutional amendment, thus continuing to tax commercial and industrial properties based on a property's purchase price, with annual increases equal to the rate of inflation or 2 percent, whichever is lower.


California Proposition 16, restoring affirmative action

Repeals Proposition 209 (1996), which says that the state cannot discriminate or grant preferential treatment based on race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, education, or contracting

"yes" vote supports this constitutional amendment to repeal Proposition 209 (1996), which stated that the government and public institutions cannot discriminate against or grant preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.

"no" vote opposes this constitutional amendment, thereby keeping Proposition 209 (1996), which stated that the government and public institutions cannot discriminate against or grant preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.


California Proposition 17, parolee voting

Restores the right to vote to people convicted of felonies who are on parole

"yes" vote supports this constitutional amendment to allow people on parole for felony convictions to vote.

"no" vote opposes this constitutional amendment, thereby continuing to prohibit people who are on parole for felony convictions from voting.


California Proposition 18, voting for some 17-year-olds

Allows 17-year-olds who will be 18 at the time of the next general election to vote in primaries and special elections

"yes" vote supports this constitutional amendment to allow 17-year-olds who will be 18 at the time of the next general election to vote in primary elections and special elections.

"no" vote opposes this constitutional amendment, thereby continuing to prohibit 17-year-olds who will be 18 at the time of the next general election to vote in primary elections and special elections.


California Proposition 19, portable property tax break initiative

Changes tax assessment transfers and inheritance rules

"yes" vote supports this constitutional amendment to:  

* allow eligible homeowners to transfer their tax assessments anywhere within the state and allow tax assessments to be transferred to a more expensive home with an upward adjustment;

* increase the number of times that persons over 55 years old or with severe disabilities can transfer their tax assessments from one to three;

* require that inherited homes that are not used as principal residences, such as second homes or rentals, be reassessed at market value when transferred; and

* allocate additional revenue or net savings resulting from the ballot measure to wildfire agencies and counties. 

"no" vote opposes this constitutional amendment, therefore continuing to:

* allow eligible homeowners to transfer their tax assessments within counties and to homes of equal or lesser market value;

* keep the number of times that persons over 55 years old or with severe disabilities can transfer their tax assessments at one;

* allow the tax assessments on inherited homes, including those not used as principal residences, to be transferred from parent to child or grandparent to grandchild.


California Proposition 20, criminal justice changes

Makes changes to policies related to criminal sentencing charges, prison release, and DNA collection

A "yes" vote supports this initiative to add crimes to the list of violent felonies for which early parole is restricted; recategorize certain types of theft and fraud crimes as wobblers (chargeable as misdemeanors or felonies); and require DNA collection for certain misdemeanors.

A "no" vote opposes this initiative to add crimes to the list of violent felonies for which early parole is restricted; recategorize certain types of theft and fraud crimes as wobblers (chargeable as misdemeanors or felonies); and require DNA collection for certain misdemeanors.


California Proposition 21, rent control

Expands local governments' power to use rent control

"yes" vote supports this ballot initiative to allow local governments to enact rent control on housing that was first occupied over 15 years ago, with an exception for landlords who own no more than two homes with distinct titles or subdivided interests.

"no" vote opposes this ballot initiative, thereby continuing to prohibit rent control on housing that was first occupied after February 1, 1995, and housing units with distinct titles, such as single-family homes.


California Proposition 22, gig workers as contractors initiative

Considers app-based drivers to be independent contractors and enacts several labor policies related to app-based companies

"yes" vote supports this ballot initiative to define app-based transportation (rideshare) and delivery drivers as independent contractors and adopt labor and wage policies specific to app-based drivers and companies.

"no" vote opposes this ballot initiative, meaning California Assembly Bill 5 (2019) could be used to decide whether app-based drivers are employees or independent contractors.


California Proposition 23, the kidney dialysis initiative

Requires physician on-site at dialysis clinics and consent from the state for a clinic to close

"yes" vote supports this ballot initiative to require chronic dialysis clinics to: have an on-site physician while patients are being treated; report data on dialysis-related infections; obtain consent from the state health department before closing a clinic; and not discriminate against patients based on the source of payment for care.

"no" vote opposes this ballot initiative to require chronic dialysis clinics to: have an on-site physician while patients are being treated; report data on dialysis-related infections; obtain consent from the state health department before closing a clinic; and not discriminate against patients based on the source of payment for care.


California Proposition 24, data privacy

Expands the provisions of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and creates the California Privacy Protection Agency to implement and enforce the CCPA

"yes" vote supports this ballot initiative to expand the state’s consumer data privacy laws, including provisions to allow consumers to direct businesses to not share their personal information; remove the time period in which businesses can fix violations before being penalized; and create the Privacy Protection Agency to enforce the state’s consumer data privacy laws.

"no" vote opposes this ballot initiative to expand the state’s consumer data privacy laws or create the Privacy Protection Agency to enforce the state’s consumer data privacy laws.


California Proposition 25, replacing cash bail

Replaces cash bail with risk assessments for suspects awaiting trial

A "yes" vote is to uphold the contested legislation, Senate Bill 10 (SB 10), which would replace cash bail with risk assessments for detained suspects awaiting trials.

A "no" vote is to repeal the contested legislation, Senate Bill 10 (SB 10), thus keeping in place the use of cash bail for detained suspects awaiting trials.


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