2024-09 PNB Directors' Report to KPFK LSB

September 8, 2024

Pacifica National Board Directors Report

The Pacifica National Board (PNB) met in both open and executive sessions on Thursdays, July 18th, August 15th and September 5th 2024. On July 18th, 2024 the PNB passed the following motion:

1: To withdraw the bylaw amendment pertaining to filling local station board vacancies to a future notice period.

July 18th, 2024 PNB Closed Session Report Out: The Pacifica National Board met in executive session to review issues of employment and the board affirmed the decision of the Executive Director.

No motions were passed by the Pacifica National Board on August 15th

August 15, 2024 PNB Closed Session Report Out: The PNB met in closed session to hear a confidential report from the ED regarding financial, contractual and personnel matters.


On September 5, 2024 the PNB passed the following motions:

1: To approve the FY25 budget for Pacifica sister station KPFT 90.1fm Houston, Texas.

2: To support an amendment to the Foundation bylaws to make the PNB Personnel Committee a standing committee.

3: To rescind the August 17, 2023 PNB motion which shortened regular 3 year terms of station delegates elected in 2023 to 2 year terms.

September 5, 2024 PNB Closed Session Report Out: The PNB met in closed session to hear a confidential report from the ED regarding financial, contractual and personnel matters.

Audio recordings of open sessions of Pacifica governance meetings can be found archived on kpftx.org.

Pacifica Delegate Elections

Elections for half of the seats on each of Pacifica’s five local station boards are now underway. Ballots went out either electronically or by mail on or around August 15th and they must be returned no later than 11:59 PM eastern Standard Time on September 30th. Individuals who contributed a minimum of $25 between July 1st 2023 and June 30th 2024 should have received a ballot to elect delegates to serve on their local station board.

E-ballots were sent from Pacifica Foundation Inc invitations@mail.electionbuddy.com with the subject line "Vote now: Pacifica Foundation Inc - 2024 Local Station Elections". If you wish to vote and cannot find your ballot, you can select “BALLOT REQUEST FORM” at https://elections.pacifica.org/wordpress/

= = = The following information was provided to the national board by Pacifica’s Executive Director Stephanie Wells during the Thursday, September 5, 2024 meeting of the PNB:


Still awaiting removal of the lien on the Los Angeles building from the SBA (Small Business Association Economic Injury Disaster Loan). Everything is moving forward successfully, and it is anticipated that the lien will be removed within the next couple of weeks. FJC will remove the lien from the Los Angeles building after the SBA removes their lien. We were approved for the SBA Hardship Accommodation Program (HAP), meaning the loan is no longer in default. The past due payments have been added to the end of the loan. To keep the HAP in place, we are required to pay 10% of the monthly payment, approximately $860. The first payment will be paid prior to the due date of 9/11/24.


We are still working with the potential buyer and their offer of $4.5M for the Los Angeles property. Building inspectors and arborists were at the site and no problems have been reported. The buyer has agreed to allow occupancy of the building for 14 days after the close of escrow for the purpose of vacating the property.


The Pacifica Radio Archives department is being restructured and is currently being managed by the Pacifica Foundation national office, this includes licensing and material requests, as well as continuing to oversee the Pacifica Foundation Archive Legacy Project. The Pacifica Foundation Archive Legacy Project, in collaboration with the American Archive of Public Broadcasting, the WGBH Educational Foundation, the Library of Congress, and the Mellon Foundation, is the cataloguing, digitization, curation, and storage of the historic 80,000+ collection of the Pacifica Radio Archives. In addition to saving this priceless collection, the Pacifica Foundation will maintain the intellectual property and licensing rights of the collection and will continue to own the physical materials after digitization. The UCLA School of Education and Information Studies has approved our application for two interns to assist with prepping the archive materials for digitization. The WGBH Educational Foundation is providing a grant of $2,500 for “Preserving Endangered Media.” The funds will be used to offset the cost of hiring two interns who will create an item-level spreadsheet inventory of all media approved for digitization, which will include a unique identifier number per item, any information present on the tape or tape label (such as series title, episode title, date, physical format, and duration). Each item will have the matching unique identifier number affixed to the item and box prior to packaging each item as per archival guidelines to be shipped to our digitization vendor. We are seeking matching funds to the WGBH grant. We are in the beginning stages of submitting a grant to the National Endowment for the Humanities Division of Preservation and Access to help support the expense of storage and storage materials (racks, archival sleeves, dehumidifiers, etc.) for our collection while we continue through the digitization process. If qualified, we will be applying for the maximum amount of $30,000.


The 2022 and 2023 990s (state and federal) will be filed before calendar year end and the 2024 990 to be filed within the first 45 days of 2025. Once the audit process begins (funding needed from the proceeds of the sale of the Los Angeles building), if there are material changes that might warrant an amended return, then one will be filed and submitted to the IRS. The audits for FY22 and FY23 will be compiled jointly, which will lessen the expense. FY24 will be completed as a stand-alone audit.

= = =

Respectfully submitted by Jan Goodman, Evelia Jones, Myla Reson and Harvey Wasserman Pacifica National Board Directors representing KPFK 90.7 fm


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