ESP and Quantum Mechanics on The Ageless Wisdom with Michael Benner - Michael's guest this week is Dr. Dean Radin


Dr Radin

Michael's guest this week became an eminent scientist and researcher only because he never let go of his childhood fascination with magic and superpowers. After earning his Master's degree in electrical engineering, our guest turned his attention to researching psychic phenomena, quantum physics, and consciousness.

Dr. Dean Radin is the Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences.(IONS) near Petaluma, CA. We'll talk about his involvement at Stanford Research Institute experimenting with remote-viewing espionage for the federal government. And we'll discuss some of the paradoxes of quantum physics and its relationship to awareness.


The Ageless Wisdom Mystery School program is heard every Tuesday at 1:00 PM Pacific on KPFK-90.7 FM for all of Southern California. It also live-streams for the world at (20-hrs summer / 21-hrs winter, UTC) and is podcast on all podcatchers and player apps.

You can also hear each week's show stream on-demand from our YouTube channel or the show's website at, where you can also download the Mp3 simply by clicking on the three vertical dots at the right side of the built-in audio player.

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