Station Boards

Pacifica National Board (PNB)

Members in alphabetical order, as recognized by the PNB. Six delegates represent the paid and unpaid staff members, shown by "staff" in parentheses after their name; the other 18 are listener delegates:

  • Rodrigo Argueta Vargas (staff)
  • Christina Avalos, Doug Barnett
  • Veronica Becerra
  • Mike Bressler
  • Tatanka Bricca (Chair)
  • Rachel Bruhnke
  • John Cromshow (staff)
  • Ace Estwick
  • Vic Gerami (staff)
  • Aryana Gladney
  • Jan Goodman (PNB Director)
  • Wendell Handy (staff)
  • Nikki Haun (Vice-chair)
  • Michael Heiss
  • Sue Cohen-Johnson
  • Evelia Jones (PNB Director)
  • Oye Oyeyipo
  • Robert Payne
  • Nancy Pearlman
  • Myla Reson (staff, PNB Director)
  • Oscar Ulloa (staff)
  • Harvey Wasserman (PNB Director)
  • Carlos Zavala

The Pacifica National Board (PNB) can be reached by email at


The PNB met on Thursdays, January 18, January 25, and again on Thursday, February 1.

New directors were seated, and new officers were elected. Susan Young was elected the chair of the Pacifica PNB. Minerva Saunders is now vice chair. Julie Hewitt will serve as secretary.

An in-depth report was provided by ED Stephanie Wells; the bottom line is that the network is in dire financial straits. This was illustrated in detail by a chart of the aged payables. It was also made clear that even the proceeds of the sale of the KPFK building will not bring us to a break-even point. Some of the proceeds of the sale will be set aside to pay the upcoming FJC loan and EID loan payments. She also announced that a liability insurance policy for the network has now been procured.

Susan Young did an excellent job of running the February 1 meeting, but unnecessary interruptions extended the meeting time to 3.5 hours, when it could have been far shorter and more productive.

National Committees

The Pacifica National Board (PNB) started the process by which the various committees of the PNB will be populated. Each local station board will be sending two Non-Director Delegate Representatives to the National Audit Committee, and the Governance Committee. Our LSB non-director representative to the Finance Committee will be our Treasurer, Kim Kaufman. Myla Reason will be explaining the process of the election as she is introducing a motion for the local station board to elect 2 non-director LSB delegates to represent KPFK on both the national governance committee and the national audit committee.

The process was also commenced for the members of the PNB to nominate and elect members of the Personnel, Governance, Audit, Coordinating, and Finance Committees of the Pacifica National Board.

Clearly, we have our work cut out for us. -- Jan Goodman, KPFK listener director on the PNB

Local Station Board (LSB)

Members and Officers of the Local Station Board, 2024

  • Rodrigo Argueta Vargas
  • Christina Avalos
  • Doug Barnett
  • Mike Bressler
  • Tatanka Bricca, Chair
  • Rachel Bruhnke
  • Rick Cooper
  • John Cromshow
  • Ace Estwick
  • Vic Gerami
  • Aryana Gladney
  • Jan Goodman, listener director
  • Nikki Haun, Vice chair
  • Michael Heiss
  • Sue Cohen-Johnson
  • Evelia Jones, listener director
  • Brenda Martinez
  • Oye Oyeyipo
  • Robert Payne
  • Nancy Pearlman
  • Myla Reson, staff director
  • Oscar Ulloa
  • Harvey Wasserman, listener director
  • Carlos Zavala
  • Ex officio member, non-voting: Maggie Lepique, interim General Manager
  • Secretary: Leslie Dione Emge, non-member
  • Treasurer: Steven Meeks, non-member (serves ex officio on PNB's National Finance Committee)

The Pacifica National Board and the Local Station Boards/delegates of the five stations are currently considering a revision of the Bylaws changing how vacancies for delegate would be filled. See the Bylaws notification at

All meetings of the KPFK Local Station Board and its committees are posted at in calendar format. Click on a calendar date in the monthly view, and a list of all meetings on that date will appear. The list contains a link to a membership list of that board or committee. Many meetings take place telephonically or via Zoom; information about that access will also be posted there, as will minutes and audio recordings after the meeting. Some of the audio stream of meetings can be heard live via links on

You can reach the members of the KPFK Local Station Board at

Community Advisory Board (CAB)

KPFK also has a community advisory board, chaired by Dan McCrory. You can reach him at


  • Marcus Avila
  • Male Latino, realtor
  • Joe Ayala, Male Latino/Iranian, labor leader
  • John Donner, Male, Caucasian, Retired, former reporter
  • Kelly Flores, Female, Latina, K-12 Educator, UTLA member
  • Tsukuru Fors, Trans, Japanese political activist
  • Melvin Ishmael Johnson, Male, African American, Playwright
  • Stephan Klein, Male, Latin, Caucasian
  • Chancee Martorell, Female, Thai, Executive Director non-profit
  • Dan McCrory (chair), Male, Caucasian; former labor leader, retired telecom worker, PBS CAB member
  • Sylvester Rivers, Male, African American, musician, radio producer
  • Ruth Sanchez, Female, Latina, Educator
  • Dr. Ruth Strauss, physician
  • David Tokofsky, Male, Caucasian, Teacher, Former LAUSD board member
  • Analisa Venolia (Vice Chair), Female, Latina, Graduate student

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