Can the Democratic Party Reverse Our Descent into Dystopia?

By Alan Minsky

If we make an honest appraisal of American society at the opening of the 2020 Democtatic National Convention, we must acknowledge that we are in deep trouble. The dual, compound traumas of the Trump Administration and COVID-19 have us reeling like no time in recent history.  

We are in desperate need of restructuring our response to the pandemic and its attendant economic crises. Hundreds of thousands of lives are at stake, as are the livelihoods of tens of millions. 

With a petty, narcissistic, want-to-be strongman in charge of the national response - who disregards all science to suit his ego and coddles the elite to maintain his power - it is as if real life has turned into a comic book dystopia. Only the tragedy is real. The people suffering and dying are us.

Fortunately, the ascendent political movement inside the opposition party, which is poised to win in the fall, has a tremendous set of policies to address the ongoing public health and economic crises. These progressives are staunch defenders of medical science - as opposed to the self-serving superstitions of reactionaries; and the willingness to prioritize profits over people, like the neo-liberals. 

Just as significantly, progressives have a great economic plan. They model their programs on FDR's which pulled the country out of the Great Depression, the only 20th Century economic crisis comparable to the present one.  

It gets even better, progressives have popular policies that address the long list of endemic problems plaguing American society such as racist policing, wealth inequality, the racial wealth gap, environmental injustice, the climate emergency, homelessness, low wages, union rights, soaring rents, and much more.

Unfortunately, the progressives, though growing in popularity, failed to win the fight within the Democratic Party, which remains firmly in the hands of neo-liberal moderates. Even though the majority of Democfatic voters support the progressive agenda, progressives remain mostly on the outside looking in.

What then to make of this political moment?

To hear answers to the question, and full coverage of the 2020 Democratic Convention hosted by Verna Avery Brown, tune into KPFK this Monday through Thursday at 6pm PT.


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